Adler Law Group, LLC Attorneys at Law

If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s actions in East Hartford, CT, you could go it alone by filing a personal injury claim and negotiating with the other person’s legal team. However, your chances of achieving a favorable outcome increase significantly with a personal injury attorney by your side. From gathering evidence to representing your best interests at trial, let’s consider the role of a lawyer in navigating personal injury claims.

Navigating the East Hartford, CT Legal Process

Personal injury law in Connecticut is a specialized field. When you hire a firm experienced in local, state, and federal law, you’re hiring a team to help you who understands the laws and how they apply to highly complex situations. They’ll answer all your questions, inform you about your case’s progress, and explain legal jargon in a way you’ll understand, so you can move through the process with confidence and clarity.

Case Evaluation by a Personal Injury Attorney

During the initial consultation phase, your attorney will assess your case and determine the merits of your claim. By evaluating factors such as liability and the damage you sustained, your lawyer will decide if you have a case and advise you on how things will proceed.

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When you’re involved in a personal injury claim resulting from a car or boating accident, wrongful death, or premise liability, the actions you take afterward can affect your settlement. Read on to hear insights from your East Hartford, CT personal injury attorney on how to receive full compensation for your losses.

1. Gather Evidence To Prove Liability

You’ll want to preserve evidence of your accident to demonstrate the other party’s negligence or responsibility. This could mean:

  • Photos of the accident
  • Video surveillance footage
  • Witness statements

The more evidence you have, the more the case shifts away from establishing fault and toward negotiating a substantial settlement.

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When you’ve sustained an injury due to someone else’s negligence in East Hartford, CT, what you do immediately afterward is key. Whether your injury was caused by a faulty product, a careless driver, a sidewalk defect, or a medical professional, follow our five steps, from preserving evidence to hiring a personal injury lawyer, to help you achieve a favorable outcome in your personal injury claim.

1. Preserve Evidence

Collecting and preserving evidence is vital after sustaining an injury in East Hartford. Each incident is different, so the kind of evidence required will vary. It could be as simple as bagging the shoes you were wearing when you slipped and fell or downloading your dashboard cam footage from immediately before a car accident. Think about things like:

  • Accident reports
  • Photographs of the scene from different angles
  • CCTV footage
  • Contact details and statements from any witnesses
  • Photographs of your injuries and any property damage
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Facing criminal charges is a daunting experience that can leave individuals feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about their future. In such challenging times, it is crucial to understand your rights to ensure a fair and just legal process. Hiring a criminal defense attorney can help shed light on the fundamental rights individuals have in criminal defense cases, empowering them with knowledge of the legal system.

The Right to Legal Representation

One of the most fundamental rights guaranteed by the legal system is the right to legal representation. Whether you are facing a misdemeanor or a serious felony charge, having an attorney by your side is essential. The Sixth Amendment of the United States Constitution ensures the right to counsel, allowing individuals to have an attorney present during any critical stage of the criminal proceedings.

Your attorney plays a pivotal role in safeguarding your rights, providing legal advice, negotiating on your behalf, and advocating for your best interests in court. If you cannot afford an attorney, the court is obligated to appoint one for you.

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On Behalf of Adler Law Group, LLC

The summer solstice, the day with the longest daylight hours of the year, passed over a month ago. This means that it is starting to get dark earlier in the evening. Regardless of the time of year, driving in the dark carries certain risks that drivers can largely avoid during the daytime. If you drive a lot after dark, you may be at an increased risk of getting into an accident on the road.

Why does night driving increase the risk of a motor vehicle accident in Connecticut?

Reduced visibility

Even though cars have headlights and many highways have lights illuminating the path, night driving still comes with reduced visibility. This means drivers have less time to react if something like a deer crosses in front of them.

Frequency of drowsy drivers

The nighttime sees a higher incidence of people who are driving drowsy, which can be just as dangerous as driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. While the only thing you can do about other drivers is to drive defensively, pull off someplace safe to rest if you find yourself getting sleepy behind the wheel.

Increased glare

Looking at the glare from another car’s headlights can temporarily make it difficult for another driver to see. Glare is a problem unique to night driving as this is when headlights are generally in use.

Being aware of the risks of night driving helps you be a safer and more defensive driver, reducing the chances of getting into an accident.

On Behalf of Adler Law Group, LLC

We spend a lot of time on this blog talking about personal injury lawsuits and the financial relief that they can provide to those who have been injured in a car accident. While it’s true that one of these claims may give you the relief that you need and deserve, if you’ve been injured in a wreck then you might have more immediate concerns. Amongst them are simply paying your medical bills, keeping the roof over your head, and putting food on the table.

As scary as your situation can be, there are options out there to help you bridge the gap between your accident and the resolution of your personal injury claim. Here are some of them:

  • Insurance companies: Whether it’s your own or the other driver’s, start analyzing what these insurance companies will pay for while you await resolution of your personal injury claim. While they’ll probably help cover at least some of your medical expenses, make sure you understand the extent of these policies so that you can maximize your use of them.
  • Hospital lien: Medical providers deal with car accident victims all the time. They understand that you may not have the money right now to cover all of your expenses, especially if your injuries were significant. That’s why they’re usually willing to enter into an agreement with you whereby the hospital takes an interest in your personal injury recovery. That way the hospital has reassurances that it’ll be paid once your case resolves. This buys you time and reduces the stress of having to deal with pushy medical providers who are looking to get paid.
  • Personal injury loans: There are businesses out there that loan money to victims of car accidents to help them get by until they obtain a recovery from their claim. These lawsuit loans can help you cover your rent or mortgage, your utilities, and your groceries. Just be aware that these loans are going to a carry an interest rate, so you’ll end up paying back more than you borrowed. Also, be cognizant of the fact that there’s no guarantee that you’ll recovery compensation from your personal injury claim, so taking out a loan could be risky in that regard.
  • Other forms of credit: Some car accident victims end up having to turn to their credit cards to cover their bills while they wait for their case to resolve. Although it may be unavoidable, we urge caution here because credit cards can carry such high interest rates. If you do use a credit card, be sure to track your expenses so that you can properly request reimbursement through your personal injury claim.
  • Family and friends: We know that a lot of people don’t like to ask for financial help from family and friends. But depending on your circumstances, this might be your best or even your only option. To put everyone’s mind at ease, it may be best to write up an agreement that specifies how much was borrowed and how it’ll be repaid.

Do you need guidance navigating your claim?

Dealing with the nuances of a legal claim can be difficult to say the least, especially when you’re struggling to figure out how to make ends meet. But you can have an ally in your corner who can advise and guide you throughout the process. We find that this lifts a burden from car accident victims’ shoulders and leaves them feeling confident that their voice will be heard, and their financial interests will be protected.

If you’d like to learn more about what an attorney can do to help position your personal injury case for success, then we encourage you to continue to research those firms that seem right for you and your set of circumstances.

On Behalf of Adler Law Group, LLC

As you try to change lanes and continue your journey on the road, your eyes may drift over to the drivers around you. One issue that you may notice that is becoming more common is people falling asleep behind the wheel.

It is important to notice the signs of drowsy driving, especially if you are on a highway or other crowded area.

Ignoring the warnings

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, driving over the rumble strips on the side of the road that warn drivers of a long drop is dangerous. When a driver continually ignores or accidentally drifts over them, it could be a sign they are asleep.

This excessive sleepiness from a long shift or an unsafe medication can leave a driver struggling to remember the last few miles of road. They may make dangerous mistakes when startled awake, such as wildly turning the wheel or slamming the brakes without warning.

Failing to recognize danger

A driver who is falling asleep may not pay attention to signs or stop lights around them. Whether they are too unfocused to process these signs or they are simply not reacting fast enough, a crash can happen when one person fails to stop in time.

Going over the speed limit

When a person is traveling for a long time on a highway, it can feel easy to accelerate without realizing it. This means that someone used to not turning or slowing down can lose control of their vehicle while on a lengthy stretch of road.

Noticing these signs of people around you can help you if you worry about crashes caused by a drowsy driver.

On Behalf of Adler Law Group, LLC

Although motorcyclists can drive on Connecticut’s roads any time of the year, it is more common to see them when the weather is warm and sunny.

With the warmer months at hand, other drivers should be on the lookout for more motorcyclists on the roads. Drivers should also refresh themselves on what they can do to prevent motorcycle accidents.

This makes the month of May an ideal time to commemorate Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month.

Awareness is indeed key when it comes to other drivers preventing motorcycle accidents.

Drivers need to pay careful attention to the road and lookout for motorcycles which, obviously, are much smaller than full-sized cars. Because they are smaller, motorcycles also may seem to be travelling much more slowly than they actually are.

Because they are smaller, motorcycles are much harder to see, especially when they are alongside a car.

Motorcycles also operate differently than do regular cars. Motorcyclists will usually downshift instead of brake to slow down, meaning they decrease their speed without activating a brake light.

They also may have to swerve to avoid objects in the road that the driver of a full-sized car would choose to ignore and hit.

Not being aware of motorcycles and their operation can lead to severe accidents

Motorcyclists do not have the weight and frame of a car to protect them in accident. Because of this, motorcycle accidents frequently end with serious and even fatal injuries.

Spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries and broken bones too often follow in the wake of motorcycle accidents.

A driver who did not take the right steps to be aware of a motorcyclist and who causes a severe accident may be legally responsible to pay for these catastrophic injuries.

On Behalf of Adler Law Group, LLC

As your parents age, you may worry about their ability to continue driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, senior drivers accounted for 20% of all traffic fatalities in 2019.

You might notice signs that your parents can no longer safely operate a vehicle. For example, you may discover multiple dents and dings on their vehicle or find that they easily become lost on familiar routes.

Talking to a parent about giving up the car keys can be difficult. Try these tips to help facilitate a productive conversation.

Avoid overwhelming your parent

Approach your parent one-on-one. You do not want him or her to feel ganged up on or defensive. Carefully, consider who will be the best person to relay the family’s concerns. This could be you, or it may be a sibling, spouse or close friend.

Provide specific examples and reasons

Broad statements about your parent’s driving habits are not likely to be persuasive Instead, provide specific examples of unsafe behaviors or recent accidents. Make sure to use a sympathetic and understanding tone and avoid accusatory language. Let your parent know their situation is a normal part of getting older.

Discuss alternatives

As people age, they want to maintain their independence, and driving is often an important part of that. Offer up transportation alternatives that can help your parent continue to enjoy the same activities and routines. Options include public transportation, senior-focused transportation programs and rideshare services.

Asking your parent to stop driving can be a difficult conversation that may evoke many emotions. Makes sure to stay calm and focus on your goal: your parent’s safety.

On Behalf of Adler Law Group, LLC

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the most common type of car accident is a rear-end collision. In 2019, 32% of all accidents involved a driver hitting another car from behind.

Being rear-ended may cause injuries as severe as those from any other type of auto accident. If another driver hits you from behind, even at a low speed, do not assume that you should skip a visit to a doctor. Injures may show up days or weeks later, leading to a lifetime of discomfort.

Causes of rear-end car accidents

Distracted driving is the most common reason for rear-end collisions. Whether drivers are talking to passengers, changing radio stations or glancing at their phones, failing to watch the car in front of them results in an impact. Other causes of these accidents are speeding, following too close, weather, traffic and malfunctioning brake lights.

Common injuries of rear-end collisions

According to NHTSA’s 2019 report, out of over 2 million rear-end accidents, 27% resulted in injuries. The speed of both vehicles affects the severity of the damage. Some of the most predominant ailments from a rear-end impact are the following:

  • Spinal injuries including breaks, muscle strains and herniated disks
  • Whiplash which may lead to headaches, dizziness, stiffness in the neck, fatigue and neck pain
  • Arm trama from holding the steering wheel during impact lead to dislocated shoulders, sprained wrists and fractured bones
  • Facial injuries such as knocked-out teeth and lacerations

While a rear-end collision is out of your control, what you do next may have a long-term impact. Seek medical treatment after an auto accident to protect your right to pursue damages.