Adler Law Group, LLC Attorneys at Law

Feb 29, 2024

When you’ve sustained an injury due to someone else’s negligence in East Hartford, CT, what you do immediately afterward is key. Whether your injury was caused by a faulty product, a careless driver, a sidewalk defect, or a medical professional, follow our five steps, from preserving evidence to hiring a personal injury lawyer, to help you achieve a favorable outcome in your personal injury claim.

1. Preserve Evidence

Collecting and preserving evidence is vital after sustaining an injury in East Hartford. Each incident is different, so the kind of evidence required will vary. It could be as simple as bagging the shoes you were wearing when you slipped and fell or downloading your dashboard cam footage from immediately before a car accident. Think about things like:

  • Accident reports
  • Photographs of the scene from different angles
  • CCTV footage
  • Contact details and statements from any witnesses
  • Photographs of your injuries and any property damage

2. Seek Medical Attention

Even if you don’t consider your injuries to be serious, always seek medical attention. A medical professional will ensure you receive the proper treatment for the obvious injuries and also the delayed symptoms or unseen issues that may have been suppressed by adrenaline.

Getting immediate medical treatment will also provide documented evidence of your injuries that could help your legal claim. Any delay or failure to report the incident could give the opposing party reason to claim the damage may have occurred after the event and wasn’t a result of their actions.

3. Gather Proof of Financial Losses

Gather and keep hold of medical bills, payslips, and any other documentation that shows evidence of the financial losses you’ve incurred.

4. Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

Connecticut’s personal injury laws are complex and often confusing. Hiring an East Hartford law firm can help you navigate the legal process and will also maximize your chances of success. They will use their extensive knowledge and experience of local, state, and federal laws to investigate the incident, gather evidence, and deal with paperwork. By representing your best interests, they’ll handle all negotiations to achieve a favorable outcome and secure the highest possible final settlement.

5. Stay Off Social Media

After being injured, it’s natural to want to reassure family and friends you’re OK. Social media is a great way to reach people fast. However, posting a statement or responding to messages on an online platform could have a detrimental effect on your legal case. Sharing about how you feel, the details of your injuries, or the speed of your recovery could be seen by the other party, giving them ammunition to dispute your claims and challenge the severity of the incident.

If another person’s negligence or actions have resulted in an injury to you or someone you know, there could be a personal injury case to answer. Contact the Adler Law Group, LLC Attorneys at Law in East Hartford today, and let us help you get the compensation you deserve.