Adler Law Group, LLC Attorneys at Law

Mar 1, 2022

On Behalf of Adler Law Group, LLC

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the most common type of car accident is a rear-end collision. In 2019, 32% of all accidents involved a driver hitting another car from behind.

Being rear-ended may cause injuries as severe as those from any other type of auto accident. If another driver hits you from behind, even at a low speed, do not assume that you should skip a visit to a doctor. Injures may show up days or weeks later, leading to a lifetime of discomfort.

Causes of rear-end car accidents

Distracted driving is the most common reason for rear-end collisions. Whether drivers are talking to passengers, changing radio stations or glancing at their phones, failing to watch the car in front of them results in an impact. Other causes of these accidents are speeding, following too close, weather, traffic and malfunctioning brake lights.

Common injuries of rear-end collisions

According to NHTSA’s 2019 report, out of over 2 million rear-end accidents, 27% resulted in injuries. The speed of both vehicles affects the severity of the damage. Some of the most predominant ailments from a rear-end impact are the following:

  • Spinal injuries including breaks, muscle strains and herniated disks
  • Whiplash which may lead to headaches, dizziness, stiffness in the neck, fatigue and neck pain
  • Arm trama from holding the steering wheel during impact lead to dislocated shoulders, sprained wrists and fractured bones
  • Facial injuries such as knocked-out teeth and lacerations

While a rear-end collision is out of your control, what you do next may have a long-term impact. Seek medical treatment after an auto accident to protect your right to pursue damages.