Adler Law Group, LLC Attorneys at Law

Feb 10, 2022

On Behalf of Adler Law Group, LLC

From inattentive drivers to wild animals, many hazards on the road can lead to costly and painful collisions.

Following these defensive driving tips will help you remain prepared to take preventative action to avoid accidents.

1. Stay focused on the road

Distracted driving leads to many avoidable accidents. Silence your phone or put it out of reach while driving and limit drinks and snacks to items that do not require you to look away from the road. Keep your focus on the task of driving so that you can spot and avoid hazards.

2. Do not rely on other drivers to keep you safe

In a perfect world, everyone would drive safely and be respectful of others. In reality, your safety is your responsibility when you are behind the wheel. Wait an extra moment at stoplights to make sure crisis traffic has stopped. Leave extra space between you and the vehicle ahead of you, especially in poor weather conditions. Be proactive about your safety when driving and stay out of others’ blind spots.

3. Look out for hazards

Defensive drivers are vigilant about looking for safety hazards so that they can avoid them. Watch for aggressive drivers and those who change lanes often. If you are driving in a rural area, keep an eye out for wild animals darting into the road. Use high beam lights at night to give yourself a bigger field of vision, but remember to turn them off when facing oncoming traffic so that you do not blind other drivers.

Defensive driving does not mean aggressive driving. Remain calm in all situations while behind the wheel of a car to avoid instances of road rage. Plan ahead for every trip to reduce the temptation to speed or drive recklessly.