Adler Law Group, LLC Attorneys at Law

Jan 7, 2022

On Behalf of Adler Law Group, LLC

The horrific highway crash left you uncertain about your life. Your injury is a permanent one that forces you to immediately adapt and relearn many of the everyday tasks that people take for granted. While surgeons saved your life, they had to amputate your right arm below the elbow.

You understand the medical costs and rehabilitation and the chance that you may have to find another career. The pain and suffering, too, likely will never go away. But now, you must adapt to this abrupt change. Challenges await you because of the negligence and recklessness of another driver.

Therapy, pain and relearning

When a person loses a limb, there really is little time for transition. Accept what happened and soldier on to overcome challenges that may include :

  • A number of surgeries: The first one likely was to save your life. Others may take place to get fitted with a limb. Remember, complications may surface during any surgery.
  • Extended hospital stays: Lengthy periods in the hospital are not unexpected. There could be multiple times of admission.
  • Psychological trauma: You may face lifelong mental health issues, including post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Ongoing therapy: This ranges from physical and occupational therapy as well mental health therapy. You need this healing help.
  • Becoming accustomed to a prosthetic limb: Once fitted for a new limb, you will work closely with therapists to get used to it.
  • Relearning everyday tasks: Whether it is walking, driving, dressing, eating or brushing teeth, you likely must relearn many activities.
  • Continuing pain: It is possible to suffer pain at the wound site. You also may experience “phantom limb” pain.

The outcome was not of your choice, but you must cope with your situation as best as you can. You have the ability to do so.

Face the challenges

The loss of a limb after a motor vehicle accident will lead to many changes and challenges in your life. Face those challenges, do your best to overcome them and always look ahead.