Adler Law Group, LLC Attorneys at Law

Oct 14, 2021

On Behalf of Adler Law Group, LLC

If a sudden blow or jolt occurs to your head in a car accident or in another type of accident, you could sustain a traumatic brain injury. These injuries can result in a variety of symptoms ranging from irritability and sensitivity to light to mood changes and problems sleeping.

Brain injuries are common – the Brain Trauma Foundation states that every year, approximately 2.5 million people sustain a brain injury.  If you are one of the many every year trying to recover from this type of injury, there are steps you should take to enhance this process.

Right after the accident

Right after the car accident, plan to take it easy for several days and get plenty of rest. You may need to take some time off of school or work so you do not overextend yourself and slow the recovery process.

As you begin feeling better

When you start feeling better, you can gradually begin returning to your normal activities. However, you should refrain from strenuous activities that could aggravate your symptoms or result in another TBI.

When symptoms start to fade

Once your symptoms start to go away, you can increase your participation in normal activities. If you notice that your symptoms get worse doing certain things, cut back on them for an additional period of time.

The symptoms of brain injuries vary from person to person and so do recovery times. Although some symptoms may appear right after the accident, others may show up days or even weeks following the accident.