Adler Law Group, LLC Attorneys at Law

May 26, 2022

On Behalf of Adler Law Group, LLC

As you try to change lanes and continue your journey on the road, your eyes may drift over to the drivers around you. One issue that you may notice that is becoming more common is people falling asleep behind the wheel.

It is important to notice the signs of drowsy driving, especially if you are on a highway or other crowded area.

Ignoring the warnings

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, driving over the rumble strips on the side of the road that warn drivers of a long drop is dangerous. When a driver continually ignores or accidentally drifts over them, it could be a sign they are asleep.

This excessive sleepiness from a long shift or an unsafe medication can leave a driver struggling to remember the last few miles of road. They may make dangerous mistakes when startled awake, such as wildly turning the wheel or slamming the brakes without warning.

Failing to recognize danger

A driver who is falling asleep may not pay attention to signs or stop lights around them. Whether they are too unfocused to process these signs or they are simply not reacting fast enough, a crash can happen when one person fails to stop in time.

Going over the speed limit

When a person is traveling for a long time on a highway, it can feel easy to accelerate without realizing it. This means that someone used to not turning or slowing down can lose control of their vehicle while on a lengthy stretch of road.

Noticing these signs of people around you can help you if you worry about crashes caused by a drowsy driver.