Adler Law Group, LLC Attorneys at Law

Dec 10, 2021

On Behalf of Adler Law Group, LLC

Serious snowstorms significantly increase the risk of auto accidents. If you need to travel on Connecticut highways with snow and ice in the forecast, safe strategies can help lower this risk so you reach your destination safely.

Review these snow and ice driving tips as winter weather approaches.

Prep your vehicle

Before you set out, make sure your car has plenty of gas. Check the heater, windshield wiper fluid, brake fluid, and headlights. Replace your tires if they do not have enough tread. If necessary, clear snow off all the surfaces of your vehicle. Pack a flashlight, shovel, sand, and flares in case you get stuck.

Plan your trip

While you might consider taking back roads to avoid other vehicles, these routes are less likely to be clear. Stick to main roads since the state plows these first.

Instead, try to time your trip so you do not have to travel during rush hour. If you have to go to work, ask your employer about flexible hours. No matter where you have to go, give yourself plenty of time to get there.

Know how to react

If your car slides on ice or another slippery surface, do not brake hard, as this can cause you to lose control of the vehicle. Take your foot off the accelerator and the brake, letting your car “drift” through the icy area. When you need to stop, leave plenty of space and use a slow, steady pressure.

If you or a loved one experiences a serious auto accident injury, you can pursue legal compensation if another driver’s actions caused the collision.