Adler Law Group, LLC Attorneys at Law

May 3, 2022

On Behalf of Adler Law Group, LLC

Although motorcyclists can drive on Connecticut’s roads any time of the year, it is more common to see them when the weather is warm and sunny.

With the warmer months at hand, other drivers should be on the lookout for more motorcyclists on the roads. Drivers should also refresh themselves on what they can do to prevent motorcycle accidents.

This makes the month of May an ideal time to commemorate Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month.

Awareness is indeed key when it comes to other drivers preventing motorcycle accidents.

Drivers need to pay careful attention to the road and lookout for motorcycles which, obviously, are much smaller than full-sized cars. Because they are smaller, motorcycles also may seem to be travelling much more slowly than they actually are.

Because they are smaller, motorcycles are much harder to see, especially when they are alongside a car.

Motorcycles also operate differently than do regular cars. Motorcyclists will usually downshift instead of brake to slow down, meaning they decrease their speed without activating a brake light.

They also may have to swerve to avoid objects in the road that the driver of a full-sized car would choose to ignore and hit.

Not being aware of motorcycles and their operation can lead to severe accidents

Motorcyclists do not have the weight and frame of a car to protect them in accident. Because of this, motorcycle accidents frequently end with serious and even fatal injuries.

Spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries and broken bones too often follow in the wake of motorcycle accidents.

A driver who did not take the right steps to be aware of a motorcyclist and who causes a severe accident may be legally responsible to pay for these catastrophic injuries.