Adler Law Group, LLC Attorneys at Law

Mar 24, 2016

On Behalf of Adler Law Group, LLC

There is a line that some attorneys have been known to use when presented with the question, can I sue if …? The response might typically be, “You can sue anyone for anything, but only if the grounds are legitimate.”

In light of the horror that has surfaced over lead contaminated water in some U.S communities, it might be understandable if some in Connecticut might be concerned. And if you are pondering whether it’s possible to sue someone if you’ve been exposed to contaminated drinking water, the answer will depend on your circumstances.

In the case of Flint, Michigan, there are reports that a number of families are suing. The action names the government and several private firms as defendants. Court documents show families are seeking to be compensated for the alleged lead poisoning of at least 50 children. The claim is that switching water supplies from Lake Huron to the Flint River caused the contamination and that officials were negligent in taking that action.

Since then, an investigative report by USA Today has revealed that there are hundreds of public water supplies in the country that contain dangerous levels of lead. Connecticut accounts for more than 50 of them, according to WTNH TV.

Public water systems are designated according to the number of people they serve. If more than 25 people have access to one supply, it is a PWS. Think schools, day care facilities, parks, office buildings and apartment complexes.

The Connecticut Department of Health says it can’t say whether all of the 2,000 or so systems in the state are completely safe. It depends on the pipes at the receiving end. But it assures residents that the water being pumped to the sites is clean.

Officials note that landlords with public systems are obliged to regularly test and report on water quality. They say only 14 systems are known to be testing high for high levels of lead now.

If you find you or loved ones have been exposed to lead and believe it may have come from a contaminated public water system, you may have a legitimate claim for seeking compensation. Speak with an attorney to discuss your options.