Adler Law Group, LLC Attorneys at Law

Oct 13, 2021

On Behalf of Adler Law Group, LLC

If you have endured the misfortune of a motor vehicle accident, you recognize there are no minor collisions. Every accident is disruptive of your routine in addition to being extremely distressing.

Obviously, some accidents are more significant than others. Fender benders may not even involve calling the police. Then, there are other accidents in which serious damage occurs to your vehicle and you might suffer physical harm.

No collision is more serious than those involving intoxicated drivers

There are no accidents the state of Connecticut takes any more seriously than those involving a drunken or impaired driver. If you suffer an accident with an intoxicated motorist, the penalties and responsibilities the other party faces are major.

There are important steps to take after an accident with a drunk driver

In the immediate aftermath of a crash involving a drunken driver, you may not recognize the impairment of the other individual. When the moment comes that you do realize there is a possibility of intoxication, there are important steps you should take immediately:

  • Check on the well-being of everyone involved. This may be the point at which you suspect impairment.
  • Contact first responders and paramedics as necessary and absolutely call the police.
  • Obtain the other driver’s license number, identification, contact details and insurance information. It is not unheard of for intoxicated people to attempt to leave the scene of an accident.
  • Cooperate completely with law enforcement officers.
  • Share all information promptly with your insurance company.

By law, no intoxicated or impaired person can lawfully drive in Connecticut. They are much more likely to perform erratically and thus cause an accident.